Nature's Challenge
Tall Tortoise Shell
Cafe Battle
Red Colima Dog
Brown and Ivory
Radiant Star in Blue
Brown and White Challenge
Curiosity Cousin in Brown
Lavish Color
Pre-Hispanic History
Sparrows in Love
Pair of Sparrows
Clean Lines
Kokopelli Peace
Playful Xoloitzcuintli
Colima Dog with Corn
Kukulkan en Yaxchilan
Amber Rim
Coffee and Mocha
Earthen Lines
Dancing Dogs
Brown Layers
Brown and Ivory Challenge
On Nature's Wings
Maya with Pot
Maya Governor of Uaxactun
Verdant Bonsai
Sunny Bonsai
Red Bonsai
Bright Daisy
Musical Butterfly
Tea Time
Living Faith
Chestnut Stars
Aztec Eclipse
Handsome Lizard
Eclipse Over Jalisco
Busy Squirrel
Aztec Chac Mool
Goddess Cuatlicue
Mountain Paths
Maya King of Palenque
Autumn Forest
Love by Candlelight
Domino Fun
Earth Challenge
Chocolate and Milk
Maya Totem
Elegant Earth
Café Memories
Modern Lines in Brown
Cosmic Mandala
Aztec Cosmos
Masked Dog
Earthen Challenge
Rise to the Challenge
Cafe Challenge
Fret Waves in Brown
Iguana Joy
Handy Leaf in Brown
Earth's Modernity
Cave Art Pony
Happy Gecko
Horse of Gold
Tortoise Shell