The Worry Doll League
Worry Doll Village
Country Treasures
Tonala Sacred Heart
Truntum Parade
Worry Doll Dancers
Fear God
Giving Hands
Skull of the Beloved
Folk Heart
The Rooster
Alluring Ocean
Gye Nyame Power
Heart of Africa
A Dozen Friends
Joined in Love
A Love that is Good
Ghana Tradition
Precious Moon
The Little Devil
Dwennimmen Style
Gye Nyame Style
Mother Carrying Fruit
Gye Nyame Helper
Dear Village
African Legend in Brown
Celestial Hummingbird
Ahemmaa Gua Sika
African Pride
African Target
Convenient Skull
Mexican Pride
Courageous Manhood
Red Prickly Pear
Mexican Blooms
Colorful Musician
Burning Sun
The Catrin
The Lady
Mexican Rivers
Multicolored Hamsa
Reclining Buddha
Divine Marriage
Joyful Diamond
Joyfully United
Jeweled Love
Freedom Dolls
Joy and Diversity
Joy and Festivity
Love and Hope