Midnight Charisma
Enthralling Swirls
Looking for You
Ripe Fruit
Lotus Delight
Gemstone Leaves
One Moonlit Night
Frangipani Glory
Goodnight Moon in Blue
Evening Cocktail in Red
Lost Triangle
White Rider
Flaming Wisdom
Purple Nobility
Morning Feathers
Wine and Roses
Wings of Eternity
Wondrous Spring
Cross of Heaven
Melody of the Heart in Azure
Delighted Heart in Red
Jewel of Bali
White Arabesque Dewdrop
Plumeria Dew
Floral Paradise
Tranquil Sea
Queen of Java
Feminine Charm
Sweet Leaf
Midnight Garden
Moon Prince
Cosmic Story
Patterns of the World
Bali Crest
Floral Perception in Purple
Falcon's Eye
Floral Prayers
Snake Siblings
White Knight
Touch of Simplicity
Marvelous Vintage
Glowing Twist
Glimpse of Sukawati
Growing Roses
Pale Frangipani
Sunset Crescent
Ethereal Angel
Sacred Halo
Secret Sunset
The Secret in Red
Double Naga
Petite Chic
Loyalty Feathers
Pearly Ocean
Precious Swirl
Ocean's Nobility
Heavenly Trio
Queen Moonlight
Palace of Moonlight
Three Loves
Quiet Dreams
Ivory and Crimson Pis Bolong
Lilac Rainforest Frog
Frog Prince
Royal Beauty
Frangipani Moon
Balinese Elegance
Frangipani Queen
Joyous Jungle
Jasmine Raindrops
Blue Jasmine
Tree of Lights
Arak Mystery
July Water Lily
Glowing Cloud
Beloved Barong
Balinese Butterfly
Dragon Queen
Coral Reef
Sleeping Princess