Chakra Allure
Fatima's Hand
Beautiful Circle in Green
Ancient Drop
Maya Virtue in Dark Green
Maya Forest Princess
Connection to the Earth
Delightful Bloom
Shine Through the Mist
Subtle Oval
Lovely Eye
Dainty Star
Soul of Amlapura
Mountaintop in White
Dreamy Lotus
Golden Rainforest Frog
Gentle Day
Palatial Beauty
Passion Drop
Deep Blue Lotus
Summer Berries
Golden Eagle
Orchids and Frangipani
Spirit of the Moon
Focused Feather
Strength and Grace
Floral Illusion
Elliptical Eye
Force and Beauty
Dark Green Maya Mystique
United Love
Bali Blessings
Lakshmi's Treasure
Verdant Infinity
Charismatic Petals
Synchronized Swimmers
Pebbled Snake
Dragonfly's Palace
Temple Base
Flower of Gold
Bouquet Trio
Daydream Temple
Bali Prince
Night Face
Watchful Owl
Radiant Lotus
Golden Opportunity
Leafy Duo
Moonlight Blaze
Fascinating Turtle
Jali Hamsa
Delighted Elephant
Assam Allure
Stormy Moon
Midnight Flowers
Majestic Jali Tree
Red Sparkle
Love Rhombus in Green
Dark Dahlia
Black Maya Princess
Chocolate Hug
Amethyst Power
Vine Queen
Plumeria Twins
Golden Dream
Grow On
Must Be Love
Spreading Goodness
Lotus Glisten
Balinese Dots
Bamboo Elegance
Temple Heirloom
Green Rainforest Frog
Savannah Evening
Moon and Stars
Royal Balinese
Feminine Charm