Charming Shades
Frangipani Dream
Dragonfly in the Field
Silver Tulip
Afternoon Bat
Bloom Into You
Sparkling Girl
Flower Heart
Gentle Rose
Butterfly Park
Two Shadows
Dreamy Rose
Plumeria Dew
White Gardenia
Jepun Pura
Frangipani Line
Orient Bloom
Floral Rebirth
Sparkling Lotus
Moon and Nature
Wise Archangel
Loyal Spring
Tamiang Roses
Purple Wand
Jepun Dynasty
Sleepy Moon
Plumeria Moon
Frangipani Nights
Frangipani Trio
Magic Garden
Stellar Embrace
Tender Beauty
Wondrous Spring
String of Flowers
Purple Sunflower
Dreamy Forest
Floral Paradise
Queen of Flowers
Angel of Nature in Black
Floral Cones
Bloom of Youth
Flower of Eternity
Wondrous Rose
Cypress Flowers
Birthday Flowers
Kembang Setaman
Floral Iridescence
Bridal Moon
Precious Night
When Hearts Meet
Frangipani Mystery
March Daffodil
Paradise Bloom
Sterling Tropics
White Mustard
Sukawati Sky
Nature Goddess
Pura Petals
Feminine Charm
Enchanted Passion
Exquisite Rose
Forest Nymph
Unity in Meditation
Blue-Eyed Lotus
Moonlit Blossoms
Hopeful Lotus
Fine Blossoms
Lilac-Eyed Lotus
Lotus Filigree
Purple Tamiang
Wings of Devil
Imperial Flowers
Glowing Glam
Sacred White Lotus
Colorful Roots