Basket of Blooms
Butterfly Queen
Lilac Frangipani
Ancient Wisdom
Amusing Monkey
Bamboo Dew
Buddha's Curls in Aqua
Twist Ending
Forgive Me
Dark Appeal
Peacock Romance
Peacock on Parade
Brilliant Peacock
Majestic Touch
Moonlight Prince
Sparkling Pool
Frangipani Butterfly
Gleaming Temple
Worried Owl
Magical Union in Red
Fierce Owl
It's Complicated
Sparkling Heavens
Glittering Boat
Buddha's Curls in Black
Bojog Tree
Bamboo Unity
Charcoal Shine
Watching Eye
Crown of Flowers
Precious Owl
Ball of Bamboo
Lightning Strike
Galaxy Queen
Royal Romance
Ornate Ornaments
Altar Gift
Wolf's Gaze
Buddha Sparkle
Yellow Mosaic
Stony Path
Intaglio Circle
Sharp Hawk
Temple Glitter
Hidden Eden
Modern Bridge
Royal Lis
Protect Nature
Tiger Hook
Mouth of the Jaguar
Pale Frangipani
Kuta Blue
Glowing Cloud
Brawijaya Mask
Savannah Evening
Bali Inspiration
Harnessed Wind
Tribal Chief
Arching Symmetry
Elephant Temple in Brass
Cross of Illumination
Bamboo Beauty
Lotus Blessing
Compassionate Hands
Conquer the Skies
Purple Crush
Royal Touch
Snow Day
Eagle Strike
Blue Pisces
Woven Vines
Classically United
Heavenly Dolphin
Dark Surf
Black Sunflower
Living Coral
Garden Air
Floral Mystique
Starling Charisma