Simply Scintillating
Moonlight Enchantment
Spinning Clouds
Lover's Midnight Gaze
Captivating Blue
Radiant Blue Beauty
Love and Devotion
Misty Starlight
Harmony of Three
Dragon Lady
One Heart
Frangipani Butterfly
Tree of Destiny
Baby Crocodile
Ocean Melody
Wakatobi Wave
Lucky Elephants
Black Moon
Seminyak Ferns
Origins of Life
Precious Promise
Young Fern
Faithful Pearl
Cloud Forest
So Close
Sterling Contrasts
Blushing Rose
Angel Wings
Orange Day
Ocean Treasure
Triple Union
Elegant Pairs
Sparkling Blossom
Scarlet Passion
Red-Orange Obelisk
Classy Man
Turquoise Vibe
Purple Glisten
Classic Bloom
Passionate Muse
Crimson Energy
Blissful Aqua
Blissful Amethyst
Blissful Emerald
Simply Passion
Simply Serene
Precious Styles
Modern Shield
Looping Loops
All for One
Over and Above
Mirror Gazing
Facts of Life
Trinity in White
Face to Face
Dazzling Love
Shining Cloud
Moonlight Prince
Why Knot
Brave Garuda
Awakening Circles
Oceanic Dimensions
Idol of Courage
Eclipse on the Moon
Chance Encounter
At Odds
Odds and Ends
Mystery of the Earth
Facet Beauty
Pale Green Tonalities
Dark Green Marine Turtle
Love Immemorial
Forest Song
Sun of the Sea
Haven in Turquoise
Spring Showers
Precious Orb in Rose