Karangasem Planet
Purple Baby Owl
Harmonious Dew
Intense Sawunggaling
Jogjakarta Vibes
Blue Vine Drops
Night Beauty
Batur at Night
Dark Drop
Heavenly Queen in Purple
Red Puzzle
Fortune Smile
Dotted Curves
Tears of Jubilation
Flower Country
Sway with Me
Nice to Meet You
Soaring High
Sweet Night Blossoms
Dayak Shield
Moon Swan
Solar Flares
Borneo Scepter
Faith Everlasting
Nature's Archs in Purple
Queen Moonlight
Heal the World
Defying Gravity
Golden Glare
Plumage of the Wise
Fancy Passion
Iris Sekar Jagad
Floral Dew
Orchid Temple in Moss Green
Forest Waves in Iris
Bali Birthright
Pink Fantasy
Blue Floral Stars
Balinese Cat
Portrait of Sugriwa
Lilac Light
Frangipani Queen
Royal Lady
Moonlight Halo
Balinese Jackfruit
Balinese Baroque
Rain Forest Ferns